Professional Headshot Printing
Depending on the quantity required, professional headshots are printed photographically or on a digital offset press. Photographic prints are generally the highest quality while offset printing is more economical when reproduced in quantity. Please read the Headshot Printing FAQ for more information about the offset printing process. We offer high quality printing as a service to our photography clients and to those who demand high quality printing and are willing to pay for our expertise and attention to detail.
Preparing the Headshot for Printing
After the photo shoot, the raw image requires color correction and retouching. This service is included in the price of our headshot shoots.
Next, the image must be placed into a headshot layout. Finally, the layout is sent to the photo lab or printer.
If you need headshots for an audition today or tomorrow, we suggest you order emergency headshots for printing near you or print it yourself.
For more information about our headhsot printing, please call us at 310-324-3000 and send us your headshot.